
The final blog

It is not in my mind right now to do a postgraduate, however, if I were given the option to choose one to do it in the future, I would certainly be a Master in Political Science, is an area that interests me a lot. Reasons are many, one of the careers I wanted to study was political science, but the houses of study in which this career was taught were not my liking, for that reason, I ended up by deciding to study Public Administration, a couple of years before leaving school. Another reason why I would like to do this magister is because I would like to expand the possibilities for professional and work development. On the other hand, I would like to learn political aspects about the national and international reality. I would like to do this postgraduate course in Chile, but if the opportunity to do it abroad, the time and conditions are given, I would not he to do it outside the country. I would not like to study at a distance a postgraduate course abroad, I feel that the possibilit...

My future Job

  In a few years, one of my jobs I would like have, is to works in politics, either from the administrative area or as a representative, that is, to apply some position of popular representation, in the first instance, how a councillor. It know that these position are somethings hostiles, dark and much corruption, however, there are also behind nice things, helping those who need it and who trust in your work, , all the positions are a challenge and this is not the exception. I hope it will be a little work in "office" as in field, depending on the position to which you can apply. I don´t like work in the exterior politics or with the international relations, I would like to travel, always is good, at least in the position I will opted in firs instance. In relation to the salaries, there are not very good in comparation to the others salaries in the public area, close to the 1.100 USD, in my opinion is a low pay in the relation to the country reality, but not should they b...

Thank you Taker!

  Today I’m going to talk about a figure that has marked my life, and for a couple of days now he’s left us as fans, today I’m going to talk about Mark Calawey, maybe you don’t know him by his real name, but he’s the famous Theeee Undeeertaaaker, the dead man from WWE. Luckily, he didn’t die, he left us because he retired from his wrestling role and began his life as Mark Calawey. The Undertaker debuted in 1990 on WWE, then WWF (World Wrestling Federation), I was born in 1999 when the dead man had been in the company for 9 years. I started watching WWE when I was just 6 years old, I became fans and to this day I have been a faithful spectator. Last Sunday the Undertaker retreat ceremony was held, it was a difficult time for all fans, situation that has much led us to tears, were 30 years of surprising struggle. The Undertaker has been wrestling with the biggest streak in Wrestlemania history with a 25-2, which makes it a wrestling icon. He’s been multiples times world champion, t...

Colo-Colo is Chile

Before chilean, I’m colocolino lmL Today I’m going to talk about the biggest, cutest and the most beautiful team in the world. Today I am going to talk about the Club Social y Deportivo Colo-Colo, also known as the Cacique, the Cuadro Albo, the Popular, among others. My history with this beautiful club began when I have only three months, when my dad, has hidden my mom took me to the Monumental Stadium, since that day, the feeling was inexplicable. Until today, my 21 years, I have travelled many cities of the country following the football team, La Serena, Coquim bo, Valparaíso, Viña del Mar, Rancagua, Curicó, Concepción and Temuco, unfortunately I have never travelled outside of Chile, but it is a dream that I want to fulfil. In Santiago, I promised to know all the stadiums, I completed the year 2018, I only need to know the Universidad de Chile stadium hahaha The song says; "many times I was imprisoned and many times I cried for you", in Valparaíso, in the 2018 I was ar...

My favorite concert

The best concert in my life was on november 24th, 2016 this is was in the "Teatro Caupolican", Santiago. The artist I saw is Gilberto Santa Rosa, a Salsa singer. Gilberto he came to Chile with the tour "En buena compañia" Gilberto Santa Rosa also called "El Caballero de la Salsa" was born on 1962 in Puerto Rico. Gilberto not only salsa singer also romantic ballads and actor. Some of his song are "La conciencia" and "Conteo Regresivo" the atmosphere beginning was weird for me, because were a lot people older than me, in this year I'm 17 years old and a lot of people war very old, at first it was uncomfortable but with past to the time was amazing and beautifull. I feel very happy, I feel I fulfilled one of my dreams, besides to be near of the singer was beautiful.  The concert lats more than 3 hours and this was the better. I enjoyed because it was my first concert, the first of all and because Gilberto is one of my favorite singer. ...

Cubas is more than Salsa

More people know Cuba, but not all know about culture, music, or gastronomy. I choose this country because, the culture and the history are very interesting, the political and economic thought in which it is inserted is very striking. Is an ideology I like. First, I know that Cuba is an island, is a country located in central America, inserted under a communist regime. Another interesting data, the Cuba beaches are beautiful, and the Salsa is the music most heard. I love salsa, is my favourite music genre. Finally, Cuba has one of the best health systems in the world. The first place will be visiting the “Plaza de la Revolución” is a dream visit this place because is part of the Cuba history. Before I like to visit the “Mausoleo del Che Guevara”. To finish in Habana, enjoying the beaches of Varadero and obviously do a gastronomic tour.                         I wouldn´t live or work in a country other than Chile. Y would just l...